Lapsang Souchong-Chocolate Sorbet

Chicory Pudding, Salted Caramel, Black Currant Gelée, Cardamom Meringue, Chocolate Tuile

Pastry Chef Kyra Farkas of Oriole | Chicago

Adapted by StarChefs | Augut 2024


Chicory Pudding:
300 grams heavy cream 
300 grams whole milk 
75 grams chicory
100 grams egg yolk 
100 grams granulated sugar
7 grams gelatin
300 grams TCHO Oat My Gawd 46% oat milk chocolate
25 grams glucose 
5 grams kosher salt 

Black Currant Gelée:
1 kilogram black currant purée
3 grams citric acid
250 grams granulated sugar
Agar agar

Lapsang Souchong-Chocolate Sorbet:
Yield: 1 quart
135 grams TCHO Choco Combo 68% dark chocolate
140 grams granulated sugar 
3.3 grams stabilizer
3 grams kosher salt 
17 grams TCHO Super Powder cocoa powder 
15 grams lapsang souchong tea leaves
70 grams glucose 

Cardamom Meringue:
200 grams granulated sugar 
115 grams egg white
Lemon juice
Cream of tartar
4 grams ground green cardamom 
5 grams ground black cardamom 

Salted Caramel:
300 grams Okinawa sugar 
135 grams glucose 
20 grams Nielsen Massey Madagascar bourbon pure vanilla bean paste 
5 grams kosher salt
175 grams heavy cream
75 grams butter

Chocolate Tuile:
113 grams butter, tempered
116 grams powdered sugar
120 grams egg white
75 grams TCHO Super Powder cocoa powder 

To Assemble and Serve:
Chrysanthemum stem and leaf


For the Chicory Pudding:
Place chicory in a nonreactive container and set aside. In a nonreactive container, add chocolate, glucose, and salt. Set aside In a pot over medium heat, add milk and cream. Cook until mixture begins to steam, then pour over chicory. Let sit 30 minutes. Strain, discarding chicory. Transfer liquid to a fresh pot over medium heat. In a mixing bowl, combine egg and sugar. Temper egg mixture, then combine with cream mixture. Bring egg-cream mixture to 180°F. Whisk in gelatin until fully dissolved. Pour mixture over chocolate. Using a Vitamix Commercial immersion blender, blend until smooth. Transfer mixture to an airtight container and refrigerate overnight. 

For the Black Currant Gelée:
In a large pot over medium-high heat, add black currant purée, citric acid, sugar, and 200 grams water to a boil. Cook 2 minutes. Transfer to a large hotel pan and weigh mixture. Stir in 2 percent agar agar by weight of the liquid. Refrigerate overnight. The next day, using a Vitamix Commercial immersion blender, blend mixture until smooth. Strain, transfer to an airtight container, and refrigerate.

For the Lapsang Souchong-Chocolate Sorbet:
Place chocolate in a nonreactive container and set aside. In a mixing bowl, whisk to combine sugar, stabilizer, salt, and cocoa powder. Set aside. In a pot over medium flame, bring 700 grams water to a simmer. Remove from heat, add tea leaves, and let steep 20 minutes. Strain, then transfer 500 grams tea to a clean pot over medium heat. Add glucose and whisk until glucose has fully melted. Whisk in sugar mixture. Bring to a simmer, then cook additional 1 minute. Pour mixture over chocolate and, using a Vitamix Commercial immersion blender, blend until smooth. Let cool over an ice bath. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze.

For the Cardamom Meringue:
In a pot over medium heat, bring sugar and ½ cup water to 240°F. Remove from heat and set aside. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and a splash of lemon juice. With the machine running on medium speed, slowly stream in sugar mixture, mixing until stiff peaks form. Add a pinch of cream of tartar and continue mixing until desired consistency is achieved. Add cardamom and mix until just combined. Transfer to a piping bag and refrigerate.

For the Salted Caramel:
In a pot over medium heat, bring sugar, glucose, vanilla, salt, and cream to 220°F, whisking often. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Using a Vitamix Commercial immersion blender, blend until smooth. Let cool, then transfer mixture to an airtight container and refrigerate.

For the Chocolate Tuile:
Heat oven to 325°F. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream butter and sugar until combined. Slowly stream in egg white and mix until combined. Add cocoa powder and mix until incorporated. Bake 4 minutes, rotate tray, then bake additional 4 minutes. Let cool.

To Assemble and Serve:
On a work surface, pipe a rectangle of Cardamom Meringue. Using a blow torch, toast Cardamom Meringue until golden. Break off a shard and set aside. Pipe 1 small ring Cardamom Meringue in the middle of a serving bowl. Using a blow torch, toast Cardamom Meringue until golden brown. Fill the ring with Black Currant Gelée. Pipe 2 rings Chicory Pudding on top of Cardamom Meringue. Fill inside of the rings with Salted Caramel. To the left of the Cardamom Meringue, pipe 3 dots Black Currant Gelée from biggest to smallest. Top Chicory Pudding rings with 1 quenelle Lapsang Souchong-Chocolate Sorbet. Arrange 2 Chocolate Tuiles and 1 shard toasted Cardamom Meringue around the edge of Chicory Pudding to form a triangle. Garnish largest dot of Black Currant Gelée with chrysanthemum.


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