Grapefruit Curd

Grapefruit Sorbet, Aloe Foam, Fresh Grapefruit, Olive Oil, Fennel Pollen, Edible Flowers

Pastry Chef Ariana Quant of Uchiko | Austin, TX

Adapted by StarChefs | november 2023


Grapefruit Curd:
23 grams lemon juice
156 grams grapefruit juice
180 grams sugar
2.25 grams agar agar
180 grams egg
180 grams butter

Grapefruit Sorbet:
300 grams glucose
154 grams sugar
10 grams sorbet stabilizer
1 kilogram grapefruit juice
100 grams lemon juice

Aloe Foam:
780 grams aloe juice
70 grams sugar
6 grams gelatin
1 gram salt

To Assemble and Serve:
Grapefruit segments, soaked in simple syrup
Extra virgin olive oil
Dried flowers
Fennel pollen
Finishing salt


For the Grapefruit Curd:
In a saucepan over medium-high heat, bring lemon juice, 78 grams grapefruit juice, 90 grams sugar, and agar agar to a boil. In a bowl, whisk together remaining sugar and eggs. Temper egg mixture with grapefruit mixture, then fully incorporate both mixtures. Reduce heat and bring mixture to 172°F, or until it begins to bubble. Transfer mixture to a nonreactive container. Using an immersion blender, slowly add in remaining grapefruit juice and butter. Strain and transfer to a tube-shaped mold. Refrigerate until set. Once set, slice into discs, cover, and refrigerate.

For the Grapefruit Sorbet:
In a saucepan over medium heat, bring glucose, 77 grams sugar, and 432 grams water to 113°F. Once desired temperature is reached, add in remaining sugar and sorbet stabilizer. Heat mixture to 185°F, then remove from heat and cool in an ice bath. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, add grapefruit and lemon juices. Using an immersion blender, blend mixture until smooth. Transfer base to an ice cream machine and process according to the manufacturer's instructions. Cover and freeze.

For the Aloe Foam:
In a saucepan over medium-high heat, bring 1⁄3 of the aloe juice and sugar to a boil. Once boiling, stir in remaining aloe juice and gelatin. Remove from heat, cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, using an immersion blender, blend mixture until smooth. Season with salt. Transfer mixture to an iSi canister and refrigerate.

To Assemble and Serve:
Place 1 spoonful Grapefruit Curd onto a serving plate. Arrange grapefruit segments in a ring around the Grapefruit Curd. Place 1 scoop Grapefruit Sorbet inside the ring of grapefruit, then top with Aloe Foam to create a soft veil. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil. Garnish with dried flowers, fennel pollen, and salt.


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