Handkerchief Pasta

White Bolognese, Grana Padano, Rosemary, Thyme, and Parsley

Chefs Mel Lopez and Joyce Conway of Pear 6101 | San Francisco

Yield: 50 servings

Adapted by StarChefs | june 2019


White Bolognese:
Vegetable oil
10 pounds ground pork
5 pounds ground veal
½ cup finely chopped garlic
2 quarts small-diced mirepoix
2 cups dry white wine
3 tablespoons red pepper flakes
1 bouquet garni of rosemary and thyme
1 gallon milk
1 gallon cream

To Assemble and Serve:
Handkerchief pasta
Shaved Grana Padano
Finely chopped parsley
Finely chopped thyme
Freshly ground black pepper


For the White Bolognese:
In a rondeau over medium-high flame, heat oil and sauté meats until browned, breaking apart clumps. Add garlic and mirepoix and season with salt. When mirepoix softens, deglaze with wine and add pepper flakes, black pepper, and bouquet garni. Simmer until alcohol cooks out, about 10 minutes. Add milk and simmer until meat is tender, about 45 minutes. Add cream and simmer 10 minutes more. Adjust seasoning, remove from heat, discard bouquet garni, and cool completely. Cover and chill.

To Assemble and Serve:
Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Cook 4 ounces pasta until al dente; drain. In a sauté pan, gently reheat bolognese. Add cooked pasta, tossing to combine. After about 1 minute, transfer to serving bowls. Garnish with a generous blanket of cheese, herbs, and pepper.


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