Duck Confit Tart

Dried Cherries, Bulgur, Caramelized Onion Soubise

Chef Chris deJesus of Butcher & Bee | Nashville
Yield: 12 slices

Adapted by StarChefs | november 2022


Tart Dough:
Yield: Two 10-inch tart shells
5 grams sea salt 
455 grams all-purpose flour
300 grams frozen unsalted butter, diced

Cured Duck:
30 grams ground black pepper, toasted
40 grams sumac
2 grams ground mace
3 grams ground cinnamon
15 grams dried orange peel
15 grams Kashmiri chile flakes
12 grams ancho chile powder
10 grams pink salt 
75 grams kosher salt
5 pounds duck legs

Duck Confit:
200 grams bulgur wheat
Canola oil
200 grams dried cherries
85 grams Angostura cocoa bitters
112 grams reduced chicken stock
2 grams picked fresh thyme
Kosher salt

Onion Soubise:
Yield: 3 cups
900 grams onions, sliced
250 grams heavy cream
6 grams whole mace
Kosher salt

To Assemble and Serve:
1 egg
Your favorite tangy greens 


For the Tart Dough:
In a food processor, combine salt and flour. Add the butter and pulse until pea-sized pieces, but not fully incorporated. Stream in 150 milliliters water until a homogeneous dough forms. Transfer dough to a floured work surface and knead into a ball. Divide in half and form into 1-inch thick disks; cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 2 hours.

For the Cured Duck:
In a resealable plastic bag, combine all ingredients except duck legs. Add duck legs and toss to coat; refrigerate 5 days to cure. Remove duck from cure and pat dry. 

For the Duck Confit:
In a non-reactive container, place bulgur wheat and cover with 4 cups water; refrigerate and let soak overnight. The next day, strain bulgur wheat through chinois into a non-reactive container and reserve. Heat oven to 200°F. Place Cured Duck in a metal pan and cover with canola oil. Wrap pan with foil and cook in oven 3 ½ hours. The meat should pull off the bone easily. If it doesn’t, cook longer until it does. Once cooked, strain oil and remove duck skin. Pick off all meat and set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine bulgur wheat with all remaining ingredients and 480 grams of the picked duck meat. Mix with hands to combine; season with salt and reserve.

For the Onion Soubise:
Heat a heavy bottom sauté pan over medium heat, sweat onions and cook until caramelized. Add heavy cream and mace and bring to a simmer. Transfer mixture to a blender and blend on high speed until a smooth purée forms. Pass through a chinois into a non-reactive container; season with salt and reserve.

To Assemble and Serve: 
Heat oven to 425°F. On a floured work surface, roll out Tart Dough to a ¼-inch thickness and large enough to line your desired tart tin. Transfer dough to the tin and press into all grooves. Run a rolling pin over the top to cut the edges and dock the bottom with a fork. Bake 18 minutes and let cool. While cooking, roll out second half of Tart Dough to ¼-inch thickness. Fill cooled tart shell with an even layer of Duck Confit. Use the rolled out Tart Dough to cover the filling, making sure it hangs over the edge. Using a rolling pin, roll over the top of the tart to seal shut. Use a paring knife to trim excess dough. In a small bowl, whisk egg with 1 teaspoon water. Brush the top of the crust and bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Check intermittently for even browning, rotating if needed to achieve that. Remove from oven and let cool. On a small serving plate, serve 1 slice of tart with a generous spoonful of Onion Soubise on the side. Garnish with your favorite tangy, bright green on the side.


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