Morel Stew

Morel Ragù, English Pea Broth, Smashed Potatoes, Rye Crumble, Dill, Pickles

Chef Kristina Liedags Compton of Hilda and Jesse | San Francisco

Adapted by StarChefs | october 2022


Rye Crumb:
1 loaf rye bread, thinly sliced

 Morel Ragù:
1 pound morels
2 tablespoons butter
2 shallots, brunoise
¼ cup Cognac
1 cup chicken stock
Black pepper

 English Pea Broth:
1 quart English peas, shells and peas separated
1 tablespoon butter
1 shallot, julienne
4 cloves garlic, sliced
2 cups chicken stock
Shiro dashi
1 tablespoon kudzu starch

 Smashed Potatoes:
1 pound Bintje, baby Yukon gold, or fingerling potatoes

 To Assemble and Serve:
1 tablespoon butter
Neutral oil for frying
Freshly picked dill
Pickles (optional)


For the Rye Crumb:
Heat oven to 350°F. Lay rye bread pieces on a sheet tray. Bake until golden brown. Let cool. Place toast in a food processor, then pulse until fine. Sift through a strainer. Reserve.

 For the Morel Ragù:
Thoroughly wash morels, gently agitating. Place on a wire rack set over a sheet tray. Refrigerate 8 hours (or overnight) to dry. The following day, prepare and heat a charcoal grill. Add morels and grill until lightly charred. Remove from heat, then dice into ¼-inch cubes. In a pot over low heat, combine butter and shallots. Sweat until translucent, seasoning with salt as needed. Add the grilled morels and cook until all the moisture has evaporated. Deglaze with Cognac. Continue cooking until the mixture has reduced by half. Add chicken stock. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm.

 For the English Pea Broth:
Prepare and heat a grill or cast iron skillet. Add pea shells and grill until lightly charred. Remove from heat and reserve for service. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add peas and blanch until bright green. Transfer to an ice bath to cool. In a pot over medium flame, heat butter. Add shallot and garlic and sweat until warm. Add broth and bring to a simmer. Add the grilled pea shells. Season with shiro dashi. Remove from heat and let steep 10 minutes. Strain through a chinois into a saucepot. Let cool to room temperature. Whisk in kudzu starch. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly so the bottom of the pot doesn’t burn. Lower the heat and keep warm. 

 For the Smashed Potatoes:
Place potatoes in a large pot, then cover with water. Heavily season with salt. Gently heat the potatoes until cooked through, remaining careful not to boil. Strain the potatoes. Place on a sheet tray to cool. Using your hand, smash the potatoes until flat but still intact. Reserve.

 To Assemble and Serve:
Mount the English Pea Broth with butter. Stir in the reserved English peas. In a deep fryer or cast iron skillet, heat oil. Add Smashed Potatoes and fry until crispy. In the center of each serving bowl, place ¼ cup Morel Ragù. Top with 2 crispy Smashed Potatoes. Sauce the Morel Ragù and Smashed Potatoes with ¼ cup English Pea Broth. Garnish with a sprinkle of Rye Crumb, a lot of dill, and a couple pickles. 


Black Garlic Custard


Cantaloupe de Loupe