Peas and Ticklemore

Lovage Dressing, Chervil Salt. Pea Salad, and Ticklemore Cheese

Chef James Lowe of Lyle’s | London

Yield: 1 serving

Adapted by StarChefs | october 2019


Lovage Dressing:
100 grams lovage
50 grams grapeseed oil
40 grams apple juice, reduced by half
20 grams cider vinegar
120 grams olive oil

Chrevil Salt:
4 sprigs chervil

Pea Salt:
200 grams sugar snap peas
12 mint leaves, coarsely chopped
Black pepper

To Assemble and Serve:
60 grams Ticklemore cheese, thinly sliced, room temperature
60 grams pea shoots
40 pea flowers
4 sprigs apple marigold
4 sprigs chervil, picked


For the Lovage Dressing:
To a Vitamix blender, add lovage and oil; purée. Transfer to a saucepan over medium-low flame. Heat until mixture breaks. Pass through a cheesecloth-lined chinois into a bowl with remaining ingredients. Whisk until emulsified. 

For Chervil Salt:
To a mortar and pestle, add chervil and salt. Grind until mixture is bright green and salt crystals and chervil leaves have broken down.

For the Pea Salad:
In a bowl, combine peas, mint, and a small amount of Lovage Dressing. Season with pepper and Chervil Salt.

To Assemble and Serve:
Onto a chilled serving dish, spread Pea Salad in a thin layer. Cover with Ticklemore. To the bowl with the remaining Pea Salad, add pea shoots and lightly dress with oils left in bowl. Place dressed pea shoots on top of Ticklemore. Garnish with flowers, marigold, and chervil. 


Vegetarian Roll


Lemon Basil Sorbet