Rice Pudding Sambo

Coconut Rice Pudding with Mango-Lemon Dipping Sauce

Pastry Chef Gustavo Tzoc of Junoon | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | January 2021


Sambo Dough:
½ pound all purpose flour
½ pound rice flour
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons ghee or canola oil
¾ cup water, lukewarm

Rice Pudding:
1½ liters whole milk
1 quart heavy whipping cream
½ pound Basmati rice
1½ cups granulated sugar
1 tablespoon Vnlla Extract Co. All Natural Vnlla Extract + Lemon
1 lemon, zested
1 small can coconut milk

Mango-Lemon Dipping Sauce:
2 cups Alphonso mango pulp
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon vnlla+lemon extract


For the Sambo Dough:
Mix the flours and salt in a bowl, then add the ghee or oil and by hand mix it until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add water little by little and mix until it becomes pliable. Kneed for 4 minutes on a floured surface until smooth. Cover and set aside for 10 minutes. Do not put in the fridge as ghee/oil will harden.

For the Rice Pudding:
Wash the rice five times, draining and rinsing anew until water comes out clean. On low heat add the milk, whipping cream and rice to a big pot and stir from time to time for 2 hours. Seems like a long time but this will give a unique light caramelization for the milk adding a complex flavor. Stir every 10 minutes for the first hour, for the second you might need to be in front of the pot the whole time like a loving grandparent making your favorite dish. Make sure you clean the edges of milk fat that will form in the sides and add it back to the liquid. During the last 20 minutes make sure to scrape continuously the bottom of the pan to not burn the milk. Add the sugar and cook for 5 more minutes until it dissolves. Add the vnlla+lemon extract, lemon zest and coconut milk. Set aside with a lid to cool to room temperature, then put it in the fridge to cool.

For the Mango-Lemon Dipping Sauce:
Whisk the water and cornstarch in a small bowl until totally diluted. Heat the mango pulp and sugar until it starts to boil. Add the slurry immediately and whisk non-stop until it starts to thicken. Turn off heat and add the vnlla+lemon extract and whisk. Set aside in a bowl and plastic wrap touching the sauce to not create a skin.

For the Assembly:
On a floured surface roll ⅓ of the dough to ⅛” thick. Using a cutter cut 8-10 3” circles. Spoon ½ tablespoon of rice pudding in the center. Moisten edges with water then fold and seal with a fork and fingers to create half moons. Cover until ready to fry. 350’ Fahrenheit oil and a slotted spoon. Golden brown and into paper towels. Serve with the mango-lemon dipping sauce.


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