Rye Bagel
House Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese, Sauerkraut, Thousand Island Dressing
Baker Sam Zeitlin of Zeitlin’s Delicatessen | Chicago
Adapted by StarChefs | September 2024 | Photo: Brad Danner
Rye Bagel:
Yield: 1 dozen bagels
160 grams sourdough starter
860 grams King Arthur Sir Lancelot high-gluten flour
150 grams King Arthur rye flour
33 grams granulated sugar
25 grams molasses
8 grams caraway
6 grams malt powder
4 grams instant yeast
33 grams kosher salt
To Assemble and Serve:
1 slice Swiss cheese
Sliced corned beef
Thousand Island dressing
For the Rye Bagel:
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add sourdough starter and 545 grams cold water. Mix until just combined. Add flours, sugar, molasses, caraway, malt powder, instant yeast, and salt. Mix on low speed until well incorporated and a shaggy dough forms. Increase speed to medium and mix 20 minutes. Transfer dough to a floured work surface. Knead a small amount of dough to ensure the dough passes the windowpane test. Wrap dough tightly in plastic wrap and let sit 15 minutes at room temperature. Divide dough into 5-ounce portions. Using both hands, roll each portion into a large rope. Wrap dough rope around your finger, squeezing tight to roll the ring around your wrist. Place on a cornmeal-dusted cutting board and let sit 1½ hours at room temperature. Once proofed, place in refrigerator, uncovered, for 24 hours. The next day, heat oven to 450°F. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Place cornmeal in a shallow baking dish and set aside. Working in batches, add dough rounds to the water. Cook 45 seconds. Flip and cook additional 45 seconds. Dredge bottom sides of boiled dough in cornmeal. Transfer to a sheet tray. Bake 9 minutes. Flip and bake additional 9 minutes, or until both sides are lightly browned. Set aside.
To Assemble and Serve:
Heat oven to 450°F. On a sizzle tray, place desired amount corned beef. Top with cheese. Bake until cheese has melted. Let cool. Slice Bagel in half. Smear dressing on both Bagel halves. Using a spatula, transfer cheesy corned beef to bottom half. Close sandwich and serve with a side of sauerkraut.