Sourdough Bread

Baker Eric Arillo of La Calavera | Decatur, GA
Yield: 8 loaves

Adapted by StarChefs | MONTH YEAR


2.5 kilograms house-milled flour
60 grams salt
7 grams instant dry yeast
1.25 kilograms water
120 grams neutral oil
1.4 kilograms house starter
70 grams malt


In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a hook, combine all ingredients, mixing on speed 3 for 5 minutes. Decrease speed to 2 and mix 5 minutes, until dough is thin enough to read a newspaper through when stretched. Transfer dough to a well-oiled container, cover, and allow to double in size at room temperature. Portion dough into 680-gram loaves. Rest loaves at room temperature for 2 hours, and refrigerate for 8 to 10 hours.

Heat a combination oven to 425°F on steam. Remove loaves from refrigeration and allow to come to room temperature. Bake 15 minutes. Release and turn off steam setting, and bake 15 minutes more. When done, the internal temperature of the bread should be above 200°F, and the loaves should sound hollow when tapped lightly on the bottom.




Cherry Martinez