Yams and Hoisin

Treviso Radicchio, Grenache Vinegar Marshmallow, Pink Peppercorn

Chef Miles Thompson of Michael’s Santa Monica
Yield: 42 servings

Adapted by StarChefs | June 2017


2 pounds butter
4 bunches winter savory
1 tablespoon dry juniper berries
6 pounds large yams, peeled vertically
100 grams filtered water

660 grams kecap manis
250 grams fermented black beans, soaked in water 15 minutes and drained
85 grams brown sugar
48 grams Champagne vinegar
20 grams finely grated garlic
65 grams sesame oil
10 grams sriracha
4 grams finely ground black pepper
200 grams finely grated ginger
135 grams lime juice

Grenache Vinegar Marshmallow:
400 grams sugar
120 grams Grenache vinegar
170 grams egg whites
4 grams salt

Yogurt-Ginger Dressing:
290 grams full-fat Greek yogurt
75 grams Grenache vinegar
10 grams finely grated ginger
7 grams salt
50 cranks-worth black pepper from a mill

To Assemble and Serve:
Treviso radicchio, torn
Finely shaved snap peas
Finely ground pink peppercorns


For the Yams:
Heat oven to 275°F. In a large pan over high heat, add butter, stirring constantly with a whisk until deeply browned. Pour brown butter into a deep third-hotel pan with savory and juniper. Place pan in oven and cook butter mixture for 2 hours. Let cool 30 minutes. Increase oven temperature to 425°F. Pass butter mixture through a chinois into a hotel pan with yams, tossing to coat yams with butter; season with salt. Add water, cover with foil, and cook in oven for 25 minutes. Rotate pan and cook yams 20 minutes more, until tender. Transfer yams to a paper towel-lined sheet tray to drain and cool; discard cooking liquid.

For the Hoisin:
Reserve kecap manis. In a pot over medium heat, combine remaining ingredients, simmering mixture until reduce by one-quarter. Using an immersion blender, mix in kecap manis, blending until smooth, about 1 minute. Pass through a chinois and into a squeeze bottle.

For the Grenache Vinegar Marshmallow:
In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar and vinegar. Cook until the mixture reaches 238°F. In the bowl of stand mixer fi tted with a whisk, whip egg whites to stiff peaks. When vinegar syrup reaches 238°F, remove from heat and rest 30 seconds. Whipping on high speed, slowly pour syrup into the egg whites. When combined, season with salt. Continue whipping until meringue comes to room temperature. Transfer to a piping bag and refrigerate

For the Yogurt-Ginger Dressing:
In a bowl, whisk to combine all ingredients. Refrigerate in an airtight container.

To Assemble and Serve:
Slice one-quarter of a Yam into 11 pinky-size pieces. Pipe a twisted strip and one dot of the Grenache Vinegar Marshmallow onto a large serving plate. Using a blow torch, toast marshmallow. Squeeze 9 dots of Hoisin around the plate. In an abstract manner, arrange Yam pieces on the plate. In a small bowl, dress the treviso with Yogurt-Ginger Dressing, season with salt, and places pieces between the Yam. Finish with snap peas and pink peppercorns.


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