Do the Zaremba
Get your body ready for service with these stretches from a break dancer turned beverage director.
Bartenders, are you ready to bend, lift, stir, shake, and twist—and smile while doing it? If you’re feeling tight, may we suggest taking a few minutes to complete a Zaremba pre-shift stretch session, designed by the one and only, break dancer turned beverage director Lee Zaremba. He’s on the floor five nights a week and stays limber (and avoids injury) with a these five simple moves.
Strengthen and soften your shoulders by gently pulling from just above your elbow while breathing deeply. You loosen that tricep, too.
With the range of motion needed to shake and reach, this stretch opens up your shoulders and back.
Twist to the left and breathe out. Take a long breath in and twist to the right. Do this a few times to loosen your hips and back. It will be much easier to grab that bottle of whiskey from the back bar.
Stretch your quads by lifting your leg and gently pulling back on the top of your foot. You’ll feel it pull all the way to your hips.
By breathing deeply out and relaxing at your lower back, you’ll be able to go a further bit closer to touching your toes. If your hamstrings are tight, your back gets tight, and then injuries come from the simplest of repetitive movements.