Scott Robinson and Mark Summers
Written By Team StarChefs
The Rose | Edwards, CO | February 2017

Hibiscus Hustle: Bols Geneva 2, Cappelletti, Lemon Juice, Floral Tonic, and Honey Syrup
How the West Was Fun: Wood Creek Rye Whiskey, Averna, Cardamom, Lemon Juice, and Honey
Batavia-Arrack, Pritchard Tennessee Rum, Pineapple Juice, Honey Syrup, and Celery Bitters
Mexican Mistress: Reposado Tequila, Mezcal, Pomegranate, Lime Juice, and Egg White
NY Sour: Four Roses Bourbon, Lemon Juice, Simple Syrup, and Ontanon Crianza
Red Harvest: Gin, Red Peppers, Chile Syrup, Lime Juice, and Mint
Photography by Briana Balducci
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