Katie Hubbard

Pammy's | Cambridge, MA

JULY 2024

Since she was 12 years old, watching bottles empty into glasses at Christmas dinner, Katie Hubbard has been enamored by wine. The elegant, sometimes mysterious beverage caught her attention and never let go. When she moved to Boston to study fine art, Hubbard started working at Taberna de Haro in Brookline, where she spent the next six years of her career learning about wine (and how to speak and write about it) from Chef-Owner-Sommelier Deborah Hansen. While building a philosophy of her own, Hubbard was drawn in by the culture of hospitality. She began to see her work at the restaurant as a kind of art form in and of itself, connecting with guests, fostering relationships with winemakers, and crafting unforgettable dining experiences. As Hubbard fell further in love with wine, she left her graphic design job and committed to restaurants full-time.

In 2021, Hubbard took her years of experience to Pammy’s, joining the team as wine director. In her first full wine buying role, she has expanded and diversified the restaurant’s wine list, prioritized wines from small producers made with minimal intervention, and shined a spotlight on less common grape varietals. Through weekly classes at Pammy’s, Hubbard is teaching the front and back of house about wine; guiding them through pairings, blind tastings, and even lessons on grape genealogy. For her, the wine list is always in flux—changing, adapting, and updating like art on the walls of a museum to keep guests coming back for another glass.

2024 StarChefs Boston Rising Stars Award Winner


Laurence Louie


Stefanos Oungrinis and Demetri Tsolakis