Spencer Gomez

Holeman & Finch | Atlanta


Spencer Gomez grew up on the rural Western Slope of Colorado and fell into restaurant work at 16. As he worked his way from front of house to the line, he grew to love with the kitchen and the camaraderie it inspired. He took a break from the industry in his 20s, only to reaffirm his professional calling. It turns out, Gomez wasn’t born to work a water pipeline.

Gomez’s career began to fall into place after he arrived in Athens, Georgia, where his wife studied photography at the University of Georgia and he dived into the world of whole animal butchery and meat cookery as chef de cuisine at Branded Butcher with mentor Matthew Palmerlee. When the couple moved to Atlanta, Gomez took on a sous chef role at Kevin Gillespie’s Gunshow and earned a nod as a semi-finalist on Eater’s “Young Guns” list.

Gomez joined Linton Hopkins at Holeman & Finch in 2016––first as chef de cuisine and then executive chef just one year later. At H&F, Gomez’s impeccably sourced and crafted dishes have a warm, generous heart and highlight his deep ties with North Georgia farmers. He’s also working to build citywide and national community by bringing chefs into the restaurant for collaboration dinners, immersing his peers in H&F’s ecosystem of curing and put-by brilliance.

2018 StarChefs Atlanta Rising Stars Award Winner


Jonathan Kallini


Brett Ashcraft