Black Truffle Croissant

Délice de Bourgogne Cheese, Honey, and Shaved Truffle

Chefs Timothy Flores and Genie Kwon of Kasama | Chicago

Adapted by StarChefs | September 2021


Croissant Dough:
280 grams milk
60 grams yeast
100 grams sugar
1 kilogram flour
25 grams salt
100 grams butter

600 grams butter

Délice de Bourgogne Sauce
400 grams heavy cream
400 grams Délice de Bourgogne
12 grams truffle paste
12 grams truffle oil

To Assemble and Serve:
Egg wash
Rock sugar
Black truffle, freshly shaved


For the Croissant Dough:
Add all ingredients and 300 grams water to a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook attachment. Mix 6 minutes. Cover dough and let chill overnight. 

For the Lamination:
Sandwiched between 2 pieces of parchment paper, pound out butter into a large rectangular shape. Wrap butter in plastic and refrigerate until solid. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out chilled Croissant Dough to about 15 by 36 inches. Roll out chilled butter block to approximately ⅓ the size of Croissant Dough rectangle. Center butter block over Croissant Dough and give it 3 letter folds and turns, back-to-back. Using a dough sheeter, sheet laminated Croissant Dough until very thin. Cut into 3-by-9-inch, 70-gram portions. Let proof until tripled in size, 2 to 8 hours depending on temperature.

For the Cheese Filling:
In a pot over medium flame, heat cream and Délice de Bourgogne until boiling. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. Let cool to room temperature.

To Assemble and Serve:
Brush croissants with egg wash and bake at 350°F for 35 minutes. Let croissants cool on a cooling rack. Once room temperature, use a knife to slice a hole at the bottom of each croissant. Using a piping back, fill each croissant with 25 grams Délice de Bourgogne Sauce. When ready to serve, drizzle with honey, sprinkle with rock sugar, and top with shaved black truffle.


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