Brioche Doughnut
Blueberry Glaze and Lemon Zest
Baker Shawn Bergin of Bakery Four | Denver
Yield: 200 doughnuts
Adapted by StarChefs | July 2022
Brioche Doughnut:
5 kilograms flour
1.25 kilograms levain (100% hydration)
1.6 kilograms eggs
1.1 kilograms milk
1 kilogram sugar
50 grams yeast
90 grams salt
2 kilograms butter, cold
Sugared Lemon Zest:
200 grams lemon zest
100 grams organic sugar
Blueberry Glaze:
Blueberry purée
Powdered sugar
To Assemble and Serve:
Oil for frying
For the Brioche Doughnut:
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a hook attachment, add flour, levain, eggs, milk, sugar, and yeast. Mix until a shaggy dough forms. Let sit 30 minutes. Add salt and mix until dough forms into a solid mass. Add cold butter and continue mixing until you can see through the dough when gently stretched (like a windowpane). Let rest at room temperature 30 minutes to 1 hour. Degas dough by pressing it down—it should feel like a pillow. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours (or overnight). The following day, shape dough into doughnuts. Let proof until jiggly like jello.
For the Sugared Lemon Zest:
In a large bowl, toss to combine lemon zest and sugar. Spread out on a sheet tray to dry.
For the Blueberry Glaze:
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk blueberry purée with enough powdered sugar until desired consistency is reached. Season with salt.
To Assemble and Serve:
In a deep fryer or pot, heat oil to 360°F. Add Brioche Doughnuts and fry 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes on each side. Transfer Brioche Doughnuts to a wire rack to cool. Dip in Blueberry Glaze and top with a generous amount of Sugared Lemon Zest.