Egg Shell Bread Pudding

Egg Shell Bread Pudding Custard, Egg Shell-Pecan Praline, Banana Peel Vinegar, Strawberry Leaf Green Oil, Fresh Strawberry

Chef Ryan Stipp of Omni PGA Frisco Resort | Frisco, TX

“This dish is centered around minimizing food waste and optimizing product potential. From utilizing banana peels to make vinegar, to dehydrating vanilla bean pods and blending them to make a powder, to using egg shells that would normally be discarded but instead are used to make a nutrient dense powder that can be added to the praline and bread pudding custard. It's important to take the extra time to evaluate what we typically throw away, and revisioning it to be an inclusive, new ingredient in a dish that is already so classic and delicious.” — Chef Ryan Stipp

Adapted by StarChefs | August 2024


Banana Peel Vinegar:
300 grams banana
100 grams granulated sugar
1½ grams instant yeast
75 grams distilled white vinegar 

Egg Shell Powder:
250 grams whole eggs, shells rinsed and reserved

Egg Shell Custard:
460 grams whole milk
460 grams heavy cream
10 grams vanilla paste
228 grams granulated sugar
500 grams whole eggs

Egg Shell Pecan Praline:
154 grams granulated sugar
154 grams toasted pecans, broken into bite-sized pieces
72 grams Valrhona Caramelia 36% milk chocolate
2 grams kosher salt

Strawberry Leaf Green Oil:
20 grams fresh strawberry, greens reserved
20 grams fresh  parsley leaves
200 grams olive oil

To Assemble and Serve:
Yield: 2 servings
250 grams cubed croissant
Fresh strawberries


For the Banana Peel Vinegar:
In a Vitamix Commercial blender, combine banana peels and 300 grams water. Pulse until peels have broken down into 1-inch chunks. Transfer to a pot over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and let sit 30 minutes at room temperature. Strain mixture, pushing down as much liquid as possible from the cooked peels. Transfer liquid to a clean pot over medium-high heat. Stir in sugar. Bring mixture to a boil. Transfer to a nonreactive container and let cool to 100°F. Stir in yeast. Seal and let sit 7 days at room temperature. The next week, add vinegar. Cover and let ferment 3 weeks. The next month, strain into a clean, nonreactive container. Cover and let ferment additional 4 weeks. The next month, transfer mixture to a pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil. Cook 10 minutes, then transfer to an airtight, nonreactive container. Reserve.

For the Egg Shell Powder:
Heat oven to 400°F. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add egg shells and let cook 10 minutes. Strain and transfer to a silpat-lined sheet tray. Bake 15 minutes. Transfer to a Vitamix Commercial blender blend on high speed until a fine powder is achieved. Transfer to an airtight container and reserve.

For the Egg Shell Custard:
In a Vitamix Commercial blender, combine all ingredients and 20 grams Egg Shell Powder. Blend until smooth. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate.

For the Egg Shell Pecan Praline:
In a sauté pan over high heat, add sugar and caramelize until an amber color is achieved. Transfer to a Vitamix Commercial blender. Add pecans and blend until a paste-like consistency is achieved. Add chocolate, salt, and 10 grams Egg Shell Powder. Continue to blend until smooth. Transfer to an airtight container and reserve.

For the Strawberry Leaf Green Oil:
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add strawberry greens and parsley. Blanch 10 seconds. Transfer to an ice bath and let cool. Once cooled, strain, pressing down to ensure no moisture remains in the greens. Transfer blanched greens to a Vitamix Commercial blender. Slowly stream in olive oil and continue to blend until mixture is fully emulsified. Strain through a cheesecloth-lined sieve. Transfer to an airtight container and reserve.

To Assemble and Serve:
Heat oven to 325°F. In a 3-inch cast iron skillet, add 250 grams Egg Shell Custard and cubed croissant. Cover with aluminum foil, then bake 35 minutes. Remove aluminum foil and cook additional 10 minutes. Garnish with desired amount Banana Peel Vinegar, Pecan Praline, Strawberry Leaf Green Oil, and fresh strawberries.


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