Hinojo Flan

Caramel, Orange Honey Blossom Cream, Mandarin Gel, Orange Blossom Honey Crunch

Pastry Chef Ruben Ortega of Xochi | Houston
Yield: 8 servings

“I love orange blossom honey, it’s my favorite. In this dish, it adds fragrance and subtlety to the aromatic flavor of the fennel while the mandarin encloses all the flavors together and of course the crunch with intense, slightly burnt flavor of honey and sugar is delicious.” — Ruben Ortega

Adapted by StarChefs  |  August 2024


Orange Honey Blossom Cream:
460 grams heavy cream
41 grams dextrose
1 bean vanilla, split and scraped
50 grams orange blossom honey
1 teaspoon orange blossom water
¼ teaspoon xantham gum

Hinojo Flan:
79 grams whole milk
354 milliliters evaporated milk
397 grams condensed milk
448 grams whole eggs
265 grams diced fennel bulb
226 grams granulated sugar
79 grams heavy cream

275 grams granulated sugar

Mandarin Gel:
400 grams mandarin juice
100 grams granulated sugar
5 grams agar-agar
150 grams mandarin zest

Orange Blossom Honey Crunch:
12 grams baking soda
6 grams cream of tartar
186 grams granulated sugar
2 tablespoons orange blossom water
80 grams golden corn syrup
3 tablespoons orange blossom honey

To Assemble and Serve:
Candied fennel
Fennel leaves


For the Orange Honey Blossom Cream:
In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring cream, dextrose, and vanilla to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in honey. Let sit 15 minutes. Strain mixture, then stir in orange blossom water and xantham gum. Using an immersion blender, blend mixture until well combined and smooth. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate 24 hours.

For the Hinojo Flan:
In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring whole milk and evaporated milk to 149­°F. Remove from heat and using an immersion blender, blend until well combined. Let sit 45 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth. Strain and transfer to an airtight container. Refrigerate 24 hours. 

For the Mandarin Gel:
In a large saucepan, whisk together mandarin juice, sugar, agar agar, and 100 grams purified water. Place pan over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and whisk in mandarin zest. Let sit 1 minute. Strain mixture into a shallow baking dish. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Once chilled, dice mixture and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Using an immersion blender, blend mixture until a gel-like consistency is achieved. Transfer to a squeeze bottle and refrigerate.

For the Orange Blossom Honey Crunch:
In a small mixing bowl, combine baking soda and cream of tartar. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, orange blossom water, corn syrup, and 2 ounces water. Place pan over medium-high heat and bring mixture to 280°F. Stir in honey. Continue to cook until mixture reaches 300°F. Remove from heat and using a wooden spoon, carefully and slowly incorporate baking powder mixture. Transfer mixture to a greased and parchment-lined 2-inch deep baking dish. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled. Once cooled, break into desired shapes, transfer to an airtight container, and reserve.

For the Caramel:
In a saucepan, add sugar and 5 ounces water. Let soak 5 minutes. Place pan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Using a spoon, transfer 1½ tablespoons of the mixture into the bottom of 8-ounces porcelain ramekins, about 1½ tall, evenly coating. Let cool 15 minutes.

To Assemble and Serve:
Heat oven to 300°F. Pour 7 ounces Hinojo Flan into each prepared mold. Transfer molds to a roasting pan. Pour warm water into the pan, about halfway up the sides of the molds. Cover pan with sheet tray. Bake 50 minutes, or until Hinojo Flan is set. Let cool. Once cooled, run a sharp knife around the perimeter of the Hinojo Flan and flip onto a serving plate.  Top with candied fennel. Place 1 quenelle Orange Honey Blossom Cream and 3 pieces Honey Crunch next to Hinojo Flan. Squeeze 1 dot Mandarin Gel next to each piece Honey Crunch. Finish with fennel leaves on each Mandarin Gel dot.


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