Japanese Milk Bread

Whipped Matcha Butter and Shichimi Togarashi

Pastry Chef Michelle Boland of Oak + Rowan | Boston
Yield: 12 servings

Adapted by StarChefs | September 2020


Japanese Milk Bread:
952 grams bread flour
570 grams whole milk
153 grams unsalted European butter, melted
13 grams milk powder
2 large eggs
22 grams active dry yeast
163 grams sugar
20 grams salt
Oil for greasing
Egg wash (1:1 ratio, yolk to milk)
Maldon salt

Whipped Matcha Butter:
2 pounds unsalted French butter, tempered
2 teaspoons salt
½ tablespoon matcha powder

Shichimi Togarashi Spice:
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
½ teaspoon black peppercorns
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon white sesame seeds
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
1½ tablespoons dried Mandarin orange zest
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon poppy seeds
¼ sheet kombu, ground to powder


For the Japanese Milk Bread:
To a pot over medium heat, add  163 grams water, 135 grams flour, 190 grams milk, butter, and milk powder. Whisk constantly until thick paste forms and all flour has cooked out. Remove from heat and whisk in remaining milk followed by eggs. Transfer starter to bowl of small stand mixer fitted with hook.  Add yeast, sugar, salt, and remaining flour. Mix on low speed for 2 to 3 minutes, until dough starts to form. Increase speed to medium and mix until dough is smooth, slightly sticky and pulls away from sides of bowl. Transfer dough to greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set aside to rise in a warm space. Heat convection oven to 325F. When dough doubles in size, transfer to floured work surface and portion into 1½-ounce balls. Transfer dough balls to short, 4½-inch diameter, greased coffee cups arranged on a sheet tray, placing 4 balls in each cup. Cover with plastic and allow to double in size. Brush risen dough balls with egg wash and top with generous sprinkling of Maldon. Bake 8 minutes, rotate tray, and bake 8 minutes more, until golden brown. 

For the Whipped Matcha Butter:
To the bowl of a small stand mixer fitted with paddle, add all ingredients. Mix until light and fluffy.

For the Shichimi Togarashi Spice:
Toast and grind coriander, peppercorns, and half the sesame to a fine powder. Transfer mixture to a storage container with remaining ingredients, including whole sesame. Shake to combine.

To Assemble and Serve:
On a serving plate, place “1 cup” Japanese Milk Bread (sans actual cup). Scoop 1 quenelle Whipped Matcha Butter next to bread. Top butter with generous sprinkle of Shichimi Togarashi Spice. 


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