Juniper Tea-Fig Loaf

Baker Allison Charnitski of High Street on Market | Philadelphia

Adapted by StarChefs | APril 2019


Juniper Tea:
2 to 3 medium juniper branches with berries

Juniper Tea and Fig Loaf:
30 percent Beatrice (starter) 
35 percent whole spelt flour
65 percent bread flour, plus additional as needed
0.8 percent fine malt flour 
2.5 percent salt 
23 percent chopped dried black Mission fig 
Neutral oil


For the Juniper Tea: 
Heat 8 kilograms water to 200°F. Prepare and heat grill. Pick berries and lightly smash. Kiss branches to grill over medium flame. When oils are fragrant, transfer branches to a large sealable container with berries. Add hot water. Steep 18 to 24 hours; strain. 

For the Juniper Tea and Fig Loaf:
Scale ingredients, along with 76 percent Juniper Tea warmed to 75°F. Set aside a few tablespoons of tea. Into the bowl of a KitchenAid Commercial stand mixer, combine Beatrice and tea. Add spelt and bread flours. Mix on low speed 8 to 12 minutes, until dough strengthens. Add malt flour, salt, and reserved tea. Mix on medium-low speed 3 minutes. Add figs and mix on low speed 2 to 3 minutes, until evenly incorporated. Transfer dough to a lightly oiled cambro and move to a warm space, 70°F to 75°F. In two 30-minute intervals, stretch and fold dough. Continue to bulk ferment dough at least 2½ hours and up to 5 hours, until doubled in size. To check for proper fermentation, wet your fingers and slowly pinch a small amount of dough. You should see and feel small bubbles in the dough. When proper fermentation is achieved, flip dough out onto an un-floured surface. Lightly dust the top of the dough with flour and portion into 600-gram pieces. To preshape, fold dough over onto itself to form a taco-like shape, and then fold again in the opposite direction. Tighten dough into a circular shape with all seams at the bottom; rest 30 minutes. For final shape, flip dough onto a lightly floured surface, fold sides in to create an arrowhead-like shape. Starting from the top of the arrowhead, make two folds to seal at the bottom against the table. Transfer loaf to a basket seam side up. Proof 30 minutes to 1 hour. Transfer to a 32°F to 38°F walk-in. Cold proof 12 to 16 hours. The loaf should rise up to 1 inch. Heat oven to 450°F. Score loaf and bake 20 to 30 minutes, until bread is chestnut in color and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when knocked.




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