Mamey Pie

Blue Corn Crust, Bitter Almond Cream, Coffee-Almond Crumble

Chef Eric See of Ursula | Brookyln
Yield: 1 pie

Adapted by StarChefs | Month Year


Blue Corn Pie Crust:
325 grams all-purpose flour
100 grams blue cornmeal
28 grams sugar
8 grams kosher salt
2 grams anise seed, ground
2 each whole eggs
56 grams coconut yogurt

Coffee-Almond Crumble:
400 grams almonds
4 grams espresso beans
4 grams kosher salt
2 grams New Mexican red chile powder
20 grams cocoa powder
125 grams cocoa butter
112 grams raw sugar

Bitter Almond Whipped Cream:
85 grams bitter almond, grated
212 milliliters milk
75 grams sugar
100 grams coconut yogurt
500 milliliters heavy cream

453 grams ripe mamey
150 milliliters coconut milk
3 each whole eggs
215 grams palm sugar
5 grams Vietnamese cinnamon
¼ each nutmeg, grated
4 grams vanilla paste
3 grams kosher salt
190 milliliters heavy cream


For the Blue Corn Pie Crust:
Add dry ingredients to the bowl of a food processor and cut in cold butter until sandy. Add eggs and yogurt and pulse just until dough comes together. Press together in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour. Roll out dough on a floured surface to fit a 9-10” pie pan with ½” overhang. Fold and crimp edges, egg wash, sprinkle with raw sugar and reserved in fridge or freezer until ready to bake

For the Coffee-Almond Crumble:
Toast almonds at 350°F for at least 10-15 minutes. Melt cocoa butter Add almonds, espresso beans, salt and sugar and add to a Vitamix blender. Pulse until a coarse powder is created and stream in melted cocoa butter until just combined.Lay out on a sheet tray and chill or freeze until firm. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 min, stirring occasionally

For the Bitter Almond Whipped Cream:
Heat milk, sugar and grated bitter almonds. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Process in a Vitamix blender to grind. Strain and cool. Add the cold milk mixture, yogurt and cream to the Vitamix aerating container. Turn onto speed for x min, until medium stiff peaks are achieved.

To Assemble and Serve:
Scoop flesh of the mamey and add to a Vitamix blender along with coconut milk. Purée until smooth. In a stainless steel bowl, mix together eggs, sugar, cream, and spices. Fold in mamey mixture. Pour into a prepared pie crust and bake at 350°F for 30-45 minutes until set.Garnish with bitter almond cream, coffee almond streusel and mamey jam. 


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