New Zealand Salmon Mulhwe (Video)

Doenjang Broth, Cucumber Deodeok, Dongchimi Granita, Trout Roe, Kinome Leaf

Chef Nate Kuester of NARO | New York

“This dish is an interpretation of the Korean dish, mulhwe, or a preparation of sliced raw fish that is served in a spicy, chilled broth. I was inspired by the regional style of Jari Mulhwe which is typically served during the summertime in the Jeju province of Korea. This recipe includes more traditional flavors like doenjang, cucumber, and gochugaru, but I’ve also added a dongchimi granita to overstate the cold, refreshing quality found in traditional mulhwe, trout roe for luxurious texture and salinity, and kinome as an exciting, numbing, and herbal surprise.” — Chef Nate Kuester


Dongchimi Granita:
300 grams dongchimi
30 grams lemon juice

Salmon Hwe:
New Zealand salmon fillet, skinned
Coarse sea salt

Doenjang Broth:
200 grams dongchimi
1½ grams xanthan gum
680 grams dongchimi
450 grams brown rice vinegar
200 grams myeolchi dashi
45 grams doenjang
15 grams gochujang
10 grams salt

Cucumber Deodeok:
20 grams sliced English cucumber, compressed
10 grams deodeok, torn
6 grams sliced buchu
3 grams crushed sesame seeds
2 grams sesame oil

To Assemble and Serve:
Trout roe
Kinome leaf
Minari leaf
Gochugaru powder
Cold-pressed sesame oil


For the Dongchimi Granita:
In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and 100 grams water. Freeze overnight.

For the Salmon Hwe:
Place salmon in a shallow baking dish. Season with salt on both sides. Let cure 20 minutes, then refrigerate 4 hours, uncovered. Slice fillet into 2-ounce portions.

For the Doenjang Broth:
In a blender, combine dongchimi and xanthan gum. Blend on medium speed for 2 minutes, or until fully incorporated. Transfer mixture to a small bowl. Whisk in remaining ingredients. Strain through a chinois and set aside.

For the Cucumber Deodeok:
In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients until fully incorporated. Set aside.

To Assemble and Serve:
In the bottom of a glass bowl, place 10 grams of the Cucumber Deodeok mixture. Arrange 8 grams of salmon on top. Continue this process two more times, making a tall, natural pile. Around the base of the pile, pour 30 grams of Doenjang Broth. Garnish the top of the pile with 5 grams of trout roe and a small spoonful of Dongchimi Granita. Arrange 3 pieces each of kinome and minari as garnish. Finish by dusting the top of the pile with gochugaru and a drizzling of cold pressed sesame oil in the broth.


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