Salmon Kinilaw (Video)

Shinko Pear, Ginger, Bell Pepper, Onion, Avocado, Thai Chile, Preserved Calamansi Dressing

Chef Francis Ang of Abacá | San Francisco


Preserved Calamansi Dressing:
150 grams Kikkoman rice vinegar
100 grams preserved calamansi juice
70 grams calamansi vinegar
25 grams sugar
25 grams ginger juice
20 grams Kikkoman soy sauce
400 grams canola oil
20 grams Kikkoman toasted sesame oil

To Assemble and Serve:
3 ounces diced salmon
1 tablespoon diced Shinko pear
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1 teaspoon julienned bell peppers
1 tablespoon julienned onions
2 tablespoons diced avocado
Shaved Shinko pear
Chopped Thai chiles


For the Preserved Calamansi Dressing:
In a blender, combine vinegars, calamansi juice, sugar, ginger juice, and soy sauce. Blend until fully combined. Slowly stream in canola and sesame oils until mixture is emulsified. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate. 

To Assemble and Serve:
In a mixing bowl, combine salmon, diced pear, ginger, bell pepper, onion, and avocado. Add 2 ounces Preserved Calamansi Dressing. Toss to coat. Transfer mixture to a serving plate. Garnish with shaved pear, cilantro, and Thai chile.


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