Ox Bone Cream Pasta

Spaghetti, Ox Bone Broth, Shallot, Jalapeño, Garlic, Scallion, Bacon

Chef Eric Jaeho Choi of C as in Charlie | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | january 2023


50 grams heavy cream
200 grams ox bone broth
Olive oil
100 grams diced shallots
50 grams diced jalapeño
50 grams chopped scallions
½ tablespoon minced garlic
½ tablespoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons butter
Minced green scallions
Crumbled bacon


In a large mixing bowl, combine cream and broth. Set aside. In a saucepan over medium heat, add olive oil, shallots, jalapeno, and scallions. Sweat until shallots are translucent. Add garlic and cook additional 3 minutes. Add cream-broth mixture and black pepper. Stir to combine. Keep warm. In a large stockpot, bring salted water to a boil. Add spaghetti and cook until just shy of al dente. Strain and add to pan with the ox bone sauce. Add butter and cook until pasta is coated and sauce is fully emulsified. Transfer pasta and sauce to a serving plate. Top with scallions and bacon.


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