
Chamomile-Infused Whisky, Sake, White Port, Pear Brandy, Crème de Banane, Cane Syrup, Champagne Acid, Maple Syrup

Bartender Sebastian Tollius of Eleven Madison Park | New York

Adapted by StarChefs  |  February 2025  |  Photo: Alexander Zeren


Cane Syrup:
Yield: 1.2 liters
1 kilogram evaporated cane sugar

Champagne Acid:
Yield: 100 milliliters
3 grams lactic acid
3 grams tartaric acid

Chamomile-Infused Whisky:
Yield: 740 milliliters
750 milliliters Japanese whisky
10 grams dried chamomile

To Assemble and Serve:
Yield: 1 serving
1 teaspoon maple syrup
⅕ teaspoon crème de banane liqueur
½ ounce pear brandy
½ ounce white port
¾ ounce sake


For the Cane Syrup:
In a pot over medium-high heat, bring 500 grams water to a boil. Add sugar and stir until fully dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Bottle and refrigerate.

For the Champagne Acid:
In a nonreactive container, combine all ingredients and 94 grams water. Stir until acids are fully dissolved. Bottle and reserve.

For the Chamomile-Infused Whisky:
Heat the water bath of an immersion circulator to 140°F. Combine whisky and chamomile in a vacuum bag. Seal and cook sous vide 30 minutes. Pass mixture through a coffee filter. Bottle and reserve.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a nonreactive container, combine maple syrup,liqueur, brandy, port, sake, 1 teaspoon Cane Syrup, 1 ounce Chamomile-Infused Whisky, ¼ ounce Champagne Acid, and 1¼ ounce water. Using a carbonation machine, carbonate batch. Pour into desired glassware with 1 ice spear.


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