Sweet Potato Tamal

Roasted Sweet Potato, Marigold Sauce, Sweet Potato Chips

Chef Maricela Vega of Chico | Atlanta

Adapted by StarChefs | april 2023


Sweet Potato Filling:
2 sweet potatoes, roasted
1 cup thinly sliced chives
½ head garlic, roasted
½ cup goat cheese
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground Guntur chile

Sweet Potato Masa:
1 pint fresh masa
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons coconut oil, softened
3 tablespoons butter, softened
½ cup sweet potato purée
½ cup sweet potato juice

1 cup marigold petals
1 sweet potato, juiced
1 carrot, juiced 
2 satsumas, juiced
⅛ cup ginger, juiced
⅛ cup turmeric, juiced
1 Meyer lemon, juiced
1 habanero chile
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon honey

To Assemble and Serve:
3 banana leaves
Sweet potato chips
Marigold petals


For the Sweet Potato Filling:
In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Mash with fork until fully combined. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate.

For the Sweet Potato Masa:
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine masa, baking powder, and salt on medium speed for 1 minute. Slowly incorporate oil and butter, until a thick, gooey texture is achieved. Fold in sweet potato purée and juice. Portion masa dough into 30-gram balls. Wrap each tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate. 

For the Sauce:
In a small saucepot, bring 1½ cups water to a boil. Add marigolds and cover. Reduce heat to low and steep 6 minutes. Strain and set aside tea. In a medium saucepot over medium-low heat, add all juices and the habanero chile. Bring to a simmer. Stir in salt, honey, sugar, and reserved marigold tea. Reduce liquid by half, or until a sauce thickens. Taste and adjust seasoning. Reduce heat and keep warm. 

To Assemble and Serve:
Prepare and heat a combination oven on steam setting. Place banana leaf in a perforated pan. Top with 1 Sweet Potato Masa ball followed by 30 grams Sweet Potato Filling. Wrap banana leaf to secure masa filling inside. Cover pan and steam 40 minutes. Spread Sauce across the bottom of a serving plate. Top with 1 steamed tamal. Spoon with additional Sauce on top. Garnish with sweet potato chips and marigold petals.


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