Tai Snapper

Kelp, Chile-Marinated Mushrooms, Vanilla, Black Olive, and Passion Fruit

Chef Alexander Hong of Sorrel | San Francisco

Adapted by StarChefs | May 2021


Kelp-Vanilla Compressed Tai Snapper:
1 filet Tai snapper
2 sheets kombu
50 grams vnlla Extract Co. All Natural Pure Vanilla Extract
25 grams rice vinegar
20 grams sugar
20 grams salt
4 grams lime zest

Black Olive Vanilla Crumble:
200 grams taggiasca olive
1 vanilla bean pod, seeded

Chili Marinated Mushrooms and Cucumbers:
20 grams sugar
10 grams salt
10 grams Korean chili flake
10 grams golden sesame oil
40 grams rice vinegar
12 grams vnlla Extract Co. All Natural Pure Vanilla Extract
1 gram grated ginger
1 gram grated garlic
8 grams fish sauce
King trumpet mushrooms, quartered
English cucumbers
1 gram vanilla beans

6 slices Tai snapper
Olive oil
Salt, to taste
Lemon juice, to taste
10 grams passion fruit seeds
5 Chili Marinated Mushrooms
2-3 sheets Chili Marinated Cucumber
5 grams Black Olive Vanilla Crumble
4-5 pieces torn shiso leaf
1 gram finger lime
½ gram vanilla seeds


For the Kelp and Vanilla Compressed Tai Snapper:
Paint the kombu with the extract and rice vinegar. Sprinkle the sugar, salt, and zest on the fish and lay fish between the sheets of kombu. Rinse off the cure, dry out and slice on the bias.

For the Black Olive Vanilla Crumble:
Dehydrate olives with the vanilla seeds. Once dehydrated, add to a robot coupe and process to a crumble.

For the Chili Marinated Mushrooms & Cucumber:
Combine all marinade ingredients. Combine half the marinade with mushrooms and compress in the marinade. Peel cucumbers and trim down to 2” x 4” pieces. Slice on a mandoline to achieve clean sheets, but no seeds. Compress in the marinade with the vanilla beans.

For the Assembly:
Paint fish with olive oil and season with salt and lemon juice. Lay fish in the center of a bowl. Lay mushrooms on the side of the fish, then lay the cucumber on top. Drop passion fruit on the cucumber in three separate piles. Garnish with black olive, shiso and finger lime and vanilla bean.


Roasted California Artichoke

