Tuna Sashimi (Video)

Seaweed Chimichurri, Sweet Soy, Fresh Origins Micro Wasabi

Chef JT Vuong of Rule of Thirds | New York

A blend of cuisines and concepts, The Fresh Origins Micro Wasabi™ adds additional heat as well as a flavor combination people are accustomed to, specifically tuna, soy sauce, and wasabi. From another angle, there's a different flavor combination people from other backgrounds are accustomed to. This melding of cuisines presents a dish that is both familiar and comforting, but novel as well. Originally, we were working on a seaweed chimichurri for a different dish. We tried with different proteins (as well as tofu), but visually, I felt something was missing. In Washoku Japanese cuisine, there is a guideline that a meal must incorporate the five colors: green, yellow, white, black, and red. Red was the missing element, so we tried tuna in place of a white fish, and it made a world of difference in both flavor, texture, and appearance.


Pickled Mustard Seeds:
100 grams mustard seeds
140 grams rice vinegar
30 grams sugar

Sweet Soy:
200 grams sake
175 grams light brown sugar
240 grams soy sauce
2 grams kombu

Seaweed Chimichurri:
100 grams extra virgin olive oil
5 grams minced garlic
½ piece anchovy, minced
20 grams minced parsley
2 grams minced fresh oregano
2 grams red yuzu kosho
35 grams azaku
30 grams wakame, hydrated in water and roughly chopped
30 grams nama nori, rinsed and roughly chopped
Zest of 1 lime
Cracked black pepper

To Assemble and Serve:
½ pound sliced tuna fillet
Fresh Origins Micro Wasabi™


For the Pickled Mustard Seeds:
In a small stockpot over medium heat, bring all ingredients and 60 grams water to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer 30 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container and let cool.

For the Sweet Soy:
In a small stockpot over medium-high heat, bring sake to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in sugar, soy sauce, and kombu. Transfer to a nonreactive container and let steep overnight.

For the Seaweed Chimichurri:
In a bowl, combine all ingredients with 10 grams strained Pickled Mustard Seeds. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.

To Assemble and Serve:
Place tuna in a shallow baking dish. Submerge in Sweet Soy. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes. Spread Seaweed Chimichurri across the bottom of a serving bowl. Remove tuna from marinade and shingle on top of the Seaweed Chimichurri. Spoon additional Seaweed Chimichurri over top. Drizzle with Sweet Soy and garnish with Fresh Origins Micro Wasabi™.




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