White Sonora Cascarelli

Ricotta, Fermented Tomato Water, Wild Oregano, Parsley, Chives, Yaupon vinegar

Chefs Kevin Fink and Page Pressley of Emmer and Rye | Austin
Yield: 8 servings

Adapted by StarChefs | December 2017


Fermented Tomato Water:
Tomatoes, quartered

Fermented Green Tomato Brine:
Green tomatoes, quartered

2 gallons milk
1 quart heavy cream
7 ounces lemon juice
150 grams salt
Butter, softened

350 grams 00 flour
150 grams white Sonora flour
225 grams egg yolks
1 egg
13 grams extra virgin olive oil
20 grams water

To Assemble and Serve:
100 grams extra virgin olive oil, plus additional as needed
5 grams wild oregano
10 grams parsley leaves
5 grams chive batons
4 ounces butter, diced
1 gram toasted red chile powder
80 grams wild yaupon vinegar


For the Fermented Tomato Water:
Scale tomato quarters and record weight. Measure 3 percent of that weight in salt. In a vacuum bag, combine tomatoes and salt; seal. Ferment 5 days at 80°F; purée and strain through a cheesecloth-lined chinois to yield a clear liquid. 

For the Fermented Green Tomato Brine:
Place green tomatoes in a vacuum bag with a 3 percent salt brine. Ferment 5 days at 80°F. Strain brine through a chinois, reserving tomatoes and brine separately.

For the Ricotta:
In a pot, combine milk and cream and heat to 205°F. Stir in lemon juice. Cover and refrigerate. When curdled, drain and add salt and some butter. Transfer to a piping bag and refrigerate. 

For the Cascarelli:
On a clean work surface, combine  ours in a mound and make a well in the center. To the well, add remaining ingredients. Using your hands, incorporate the wet ingredients into the dry. When dough comes together and is moist but not sticky, wrap in plastic and refrigerate 1 hour. Using a pasta machine, roll dough into sheets, starting on thickest setting and repeating until it passes through no. 2 setting, about the thickness of a postcard. Cut sheets into 3-inch scalloped squares. Pipe Ricotta onto the center of each square. Fold half the square over the cheese to form a triangle. Fold the tip of the triangle back up to resemble an envelope. Make an indentation in the middle of each piece of pasta with your index finger. 

To Assemble and Serve:
In a pan over medium heat, combine oil, 300 grams Fermented Green Tomato Brine, and 400 grams Fermented Tomato Water. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook Cascarelli 90 seconds; drain. Add pasta and half the herbs to the pan. Swirl in butter. When emulsified, season with vinegar and transfer to serving bowls. Finish with chile powder, more oil, and the remaining herbs.


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