Matt Weaver

Aburiya Raku | Los Angeles | March 2017


Chu Toro, Akamai, Kampachi, Shimahaji, Seki Saba, Hirame with Momiji Oroshi, Ocean Trout with Ikura, Kaisomen, Shiso, Wasabi, and Pickled Chrysanthemum

Butter Sauteed Live Scallop, Sake, Soy, Garlic, and Chives

Buri Daikon: Soy Dashi-braised Buri Belly and Head, Daikon, Green Leeks, and Myoga

Bento Box: Sunomon; Hotaru Ika; Tuna, Salmon, and Hamachi dressed with Shuto-ae; Poached Quail Egg, Sea Urchin, Ikura, Mushrooms, and Mountain Potato; Asparagus Okaki; Hamago Yaki; Grilled Black Cod Teriyaki; Hamachi and Salmon Sashimi; Skirt Steak with Soy and Crispy Garlic; and Sabur Don with Ground Chicken, Soy Dashi, Pickled Mustard Greens, Shiso, and Nori

Photography by Will Blunt


Kriss Harvey


Holly Jivin