Beef-Crab Fat Fried Rice

Braised Beef, Crab Fat Sauce, Bell Peppers, Fish Sauce, and Scallions

Alvin Cailan of The Usual | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | october 2019


Braised Beef:
(Yield: 4 servings)
1 pound chuck flap tail, diced medium
1 yellow onion, coarsely chopped
3 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
One 1⁄2-inch piece ginger
1 carrot, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1 bay leaf

Crab Fat Sauce:
(Yield: 2 cups)
6 tablespoons minced onion
6 tablespoons minced garlic
12 ounces crab fat
2 tablespoons Kikkoman soy sauce
2 tablespoons calamansi juice
Black pepper

To Assemble and Serve:
(Yield: 1 serving)
1 cup day-old cooked rice
3 tablespoons Kikkoman soy sauce
6 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons minced onion
3 tablespoons minced garlic
1 tablespoon small diced red bell pepper
1 tablespoon small diced yellow bell pepper
1 tablespoon small diced Anaheim chile
1 tablespoon Kikkoman rice vinegar
1⁄2 tablespoon calamansi juice
Fish sauce
2 tablespoons thinly sliced green onion


For the Braised Beef:
In a rondeau over high flame, heat oil and sear chuck. In a bowl, set seared chuck aside. In the same rondeau, sauté onions, garlic, ginger, and carrots. When fragrant, return chuck to rondeau. Cover with water. Add peppercorns and bay. Bring mixture to a boil, cover, decrease heat to low, and braise meat until tender, about 1 to 2 hours. Drain, shred, and cool meat. Strain liquid through a chinois; cool. 

For the Crab Fat Sauce:
In a saucepot, heat oil and sauté onion and garlic until soft and translucent. Add fat and cook until fragrant. Add 1⁄2 cup beef braising liquid. Simmer until slightly reduced. Add soy and calamansi. Transfer sauce to a Vitamix blender; purée. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a bowl, combine cooked rice, soy, and 2 tablespoons oil. Make sure there are no clumps of rice and each grain is coated and seasoned. In a sauté pan, heat 2 tablespoons oil. When hot, sauté minced onion and garlic until caramelized. Remove pan from heat and reserve. To hot wok, add remaining oil and stir-fry rice mixture, tossing continuously to prevent rice from sticking or burning. Stir in caramelized onion and garlic. Add 3 ounces Braised Beef, peppers, and chile. Continue stirring. Season with vinegar, calamansi, and fish sauce. Serve fried rice in a bowl, top with 2 ounces Crab Fat Sauce, and garnish with green onion.  


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