Butter-Poached King Crab

Black Garlic Aguachile, Horchata, Chicharrón

Chef Noah Sandoval of Oriole | Chicago

Adapted by StarChefs | June 2018


800 grams water
350 grams medium grain rice
125 grams sugar
30 grams ground coriander
15 grams ground cinnamon

Black Garlic Aguachile:
75 grams peeled black garlic
60 grams cilantro
100 grams roasted and peeled jalapeño
150 grams lime juice
50 grams squid ink
50 grams buttermilk
2 grams xanthan gum
15 grams Ultratex 3

700 grams pork skin
Oil for deep fryer
25 grams ground cumi
25 grams ground coriander
15 grams ground cinnamon
15 grams salt

To Assemble and Serve:
(Yield: 1 serving)
Clarified butter infused with garlic, thyme, and bay leaf
1 bite-size piece cooked Alaskan king crab meat
Coriander blossoms
Finley chopped Mexican oregano


For the Horchata:
In a nonreactive container, combine all ingredients, cover, and refrigerate overnight. Using a chinois lined with cheesecloth, drain. Reserve rice and liquid separately, setting aside rice for another purpose.  

For the Black Garlic Aguachile:
To a Vitamix blender, add garlic, cilantro, jalapeño, lime, ink, buttermilk, and 1 kilogram Horchata; purée. Season with salt and cayenne. With blender on high speed, add xanthan gum and blend 1 minute before shearing in Ultratex. Strain through a chinois.

For the Chicharrón:
In a large pot of water, boil pork skin 2 to 3 hours; drain. Scrape as much fat as possible from skin. In a 200ºF-dehydrator, dry skin in a single layer. Heat oil to 400ºF. Fry until skin puffs; drain and cool. Transfer Chicharrón to a Vitamix blender and pulverize with the remaining ingredients. Store in a cool, dry place.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a small pan with some clarified butter, warm crab meat. On a small plate, spread a small circle of aguachile. Garnish with coriander blossoms and oregano. Place crab nearby. Finish with Chicharrón seasoning.


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