
Sea Urchin, Lardo Picante, Oregon Bull Kelp Powder, Sea Salt

Chef Jacob Harth of Bar Casa Vale | Portland, OR
Yield: 24 churros

Adapted by StarChefs | APril 2018


Oregon Bull Kelp Powder:
Fresh Oregon bull kelp

Churro Dough:
800 milliliters whey
60 milliliters toasted garlic oil
20 grams pounded green garlic
450 grams bread flour
1 large pinch Jacobsen sea salt
264 grams eggs, plus additional as needed

To Assemble and Serve:
Grapeseed oil for deep frying
Live Coos Bay sea urchin, cleaned
Thinly sliced lardo picante
Extra virgin olive oil
Jacobsen sea salt


For the Oregon Bull Kelp Powder:
Hang kelp to dry in live hearth, away from any direct heat, for several days. Transfer dried kelp to a large pot and cover with water. Bring to boil, decrease heat, and simmer until kelp is very tender, at least 2 hours. Re-hang kelp in hearth and dry for several days. When completely dry, transfer kelp to a Vitamix blender and pulverize to a powder. Pass powder through a chinois. 

For the Churro Dough:
In a heavy saucepan, combine whey, oil, garlic, and 10 grams Oregon Bull Kelp Powder. Bring to a boil, whisk in fl our and salt, and stir until shaggy dough forms and pulls away from the sides and bottom of the pan. Decrease heat to low and continue to cook until the raw fl our fl avor has dissipated. Transfer dough to a stand mixer fi tted with a paddle and mix on low speed until the dough has cooled to room temperature, about 15 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, making sure each egg is fully combined before adding the next egg and scraping down the sides of the bowl. When all eggs have been combined, continue to mix for several minutes. To test the dough, pinch some in between your fi ngers. It should stretch and have elasticity. If not, continue to mix and add 1 to 2 more eggs. Transfer the dough to a piping bag fitted with a fl at ⅛-inch by 1-inch tip; refrigerate until cooled completely.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a straight sided pot, heat grapeseed oil to 375°F. Working in batches, pipe 4-inch long churros into oil. Fry, turning as necessary, until churros are deep golden. Drain on a wire rack-lined sheet tray and rest churros 5 minutes. Spread cultured butter in an even layer on each churro. Top with an even layer of sea urchin tongues and cover each churro with one slice lardo. Garnish with olive oil and salt. Using 6 grams Oregon Bull Kelp Powder total for all churros, dust with powder.


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