Cream Cheese Lava Cakes

Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate, and Cream Cheese

Pastry Chef Mina Pizarro | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | April 2021


Lava Cake:
4 ounces dark chocolate
8 ounces unsalted butter
2 whole eggs
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup all-purpose flour

 Cream Cheese Center:
4 ounces Smithfield pourable cream cheese
4 ounces white chocolate
⅛ teaspoon kosher salt
½ vanilla bean, scraped

Caramel sauce
Strawberry sauce
Vanilla ice cream


For the Lava Cake:
Gently melt chocolate and butter together. Mix until well combined. Combine eggs and sugar. Whisk until slightly frothy. Combine chocolate mixture and egg mixture together until well combined. Sift flour. Fold into chocolate mixture.

For the Cream Cheese Centers:
Heat cream cheese gently with vanilla bean pod and scraping. Melt white chocolate. Strain cream cheese mixture onto melted white chocolate. Season with salt. Mix until well combined. Pipe mixture into 2 ounce demi-sphere molds. Reserve to cool. Freeze, pop out of molds , and reserve for use.

To Assemble and Serve:
Spray pastry rings or 4-ounce aluminum containers very well. Fill halfway rings halfway with Lava Cake batter. Place cream cheese insert in the middle. Fill the rings to enclose insert. Bake cakes at 350°F for 12 minutes. Serve with a combination of caramel sauce, strawberry sauce and vanilla ice cream.


Chocotorta Ice Cream


Cheesecake Gelato