Cheesecake Gelato

Roasted Strawberries, Graham Cracker Crumble

Pastry Chef Natalia Spampinato of Culinary Creative | Denver

Adapted by StarChefs | April 2021


Cheesecake Gelato:
500 grams milk 
175 grams sugar 
48 grams milk powder 
40 grams glucose 
3 grams salt 
90 grams egg yolks 
4 grams cremodan 30, ice cream stabilizer
300 grams Smithfield pourable cream cheese 
6 grams vanilla paste 

Roasted Strawberries:
250 grams strawberries 
75 grams sugar 
2 grams salt 
½ lemon, juiced 

Graham Cracker Crumble:
100 grams graham cracker crumbs 
15 grams sugar 
10 grams milk powder 
2 grams salt 
30 grams butter, melted 
30 grams cream


For the Cheesecake Gelato:
Place milk, half the sugar, milk powder, glucose, and salt in a pot and bring up to a boil. Whisk together remaining sugar, egg yolks and stabilizer. Temper milk with the egg yolk mixture, return to the pot, and cook to 175 F. Strain through chinois and chill in an ice bath. Stir in pourable cream cheese and vanilla. Chill overnight. Churn in an ice cream maker. 

For the Roasted Strawberries:
Toss strawberries with sugar and salt and place in a baking dish. Roast in 350 F oven, stirring often, until strawberries cook down and juice has thickened, about 45 minutes to an hour. Remove from the oven and chill.

For the Graham Cracker Crumble:
Place graham cracker crumbs, sugar, milk powder, and salt in a bowl and stir to combine. Add butter and cream and mix to incorporate. Chill.

To Assemble and Serve:
Move cheesecake gelato base to a frozen bowl and stir in roasted strawberries and graham cracker crumble. Freeze to firm up ice cream and serve.


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