Pecorino Sundae

Pecorino Romano PDO Gelato, Peaches, Peach Granita, Peach Honey

Chefs Abram Bissell and Rebecca Isbell of Principe | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | july 2024


190 grams acacia honey
150 grams peaches, cut into 2-inch cubes
4½ grams kosher salt
4½ grams citric acid
3 grams Meyer lemon zest

Peach Granita:
1 kilogram peach juice
Lemon juice
Citric acid
2 drops peach oil

Pecorino Romano Gelato:
73 grams granulated sugar
3 grams sorbet stabilizer
35 grams nonfat milk powder
45 grams glucose powder
275 grams whole milk
225 grams heavy cream
5 grams kosher salt
104 grams crème fraîche
40 grams grated Pecorino Romano PDO

To Assemble and Serve:
Maldon salt
Grated Pecorino Romano PDO
Peach shavings


For the Peaches:
In a sauté pan over medium-high flame, warm honey. Reduce heat and add peaches. Stir to coat peaches in honey, then cook until peaches are soft and macerated. Remove from heat and stir in salt, citric acid, and zest. Transfer mixture to a bowl set over an ice bath and let cool. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate overnight. The next day, strain, reserving peaches and liquid separately.

For the Peach Honey:
In a pot over medium heat, add 200 grams reserved Peaches liquid and cook until mixture reaches a honey-like consistency and measures 75 brix on a refractometer. Remove from the heat and strain. Transfer to a bowl over an ice bath to cool, then transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate.

For the Peach Granita:
In a mixing bowl, add peach juice and season with lemon juice until mixture reaches 12 brix on a refractometer. Season with citric acid and peach oil. Whisk mixture, then strain and transfer to a one-third deep hotel pan. Cover and freeze overnight. The next day, using a fork, scrape granite to create ice crystals. Store in quart containers and freeze.

For the Pecorino Romano PDO Gelato:
In a mixing bowl, whisk together sugar, sorbet stabilizer, milk powder, and glucose powder. Set aside. In a pot over medium heat, bring milk and cream to 160°F. Whisk in sugar mixture and continue to cook until mixture reaches 180°F, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in salt,  crème fraîche, and Pecorino Romano PDO. Using an immersion blender, purée until smooth. Transfer to a bowl set over an ice bath and let cool to 40°F. Using an immersion blender, purée mixture again, then strain and transfer to the bowl of a PacoJet. Freeze overnight. The next day, process base in a PacoJet with normal pressure. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze 4 hours. 

To Assemble and Serve:
In a frozen glass, layer desired amount Peaches followed by desired amount Peach Granita. Using the back of a spoon, gently press into Peach Granita to create a divet. Place 1 scoop Pecorino Romano Gelato into the divot. Drizzle with Peach Honey, then sprinkle with salt, grated Pecorino Romano PDO, and peach shavings. 


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