Swordfish Belly

Salsify Custard, Saffron-Chorizo Sauce, Herb Salad

Chef Jamilka Borges of Spoon | Pittsburgh, PA
Yield: 24 servings

This dish was selected as a winner in the Breaking New Ground recipe contest, presented by Wines from Argentina. Chef Jamilka Borges was inspired by Red Blend (Malbec, Cabernet, Ancellota, Caladoc), Familia Zuccardi, Tito Zuccardi, Paraje Altamira, Uco Valley, Mendoza, Argentina, 2014 as a pairing.

First instinct is always to go with beef, it’s a no-brainer, however, I strongly believe a fatty fish with an acidic component and the richness and earthiness of the salsify custard would be a great balance to the wine. Incorporating chorizo, acid and a mild level of spicy-ness rounds the dish to make it a great pairing. — Chef Jamilka Borges

Adapted by StarChefs | April 2018


Salsify Custard:
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup minced shallot
1 pound salsify, peeled and diced small
1 quart heavy cream
7 egg yolks
2 teaspoons salt

Saffron-Chorizo Sauce:
Olive oil
½ cup medium diced Spanish chorizo
1 tablespoon minced garlic
¼ cup minced shallot
1 teaspoon saffron
2 red bell peppers, coarsely chopped
2 tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon minced anchovy
2 cups chicken stock
½ cup red wine vinegar
1 cup almonds, coarsely chopped
1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped

Swordfish Belly:
Olive oil
1 swordfish belly, trimmed and cut into 4-ounce portions
Sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon pepper sauce (per 4-ounce portion of fish)
½ cup vegetable or chicken stock (per 4-ounce portion of fish)

To Assemble and Serve:
Herb salad
Olive oil


For the Salsify Custard:
Heat oven to 325°F. In a saucepot, heat oil and sweat garlic, shallot, and salsify. Cover with cream and simmer 30 minutes, until salsify beings to fall apart. Transfer to a Vitamix blender and purée. Strain through a chinois into a mixing bowl. Whisk in egg yolks. When combined, add salt. Pour mixture into greased ramekins set in a water bath. Bake 40 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

For the Saffron-Chorizo Sauce:
In a sauté pan, heat a little bit of oil and sauté chorizo. When chorizo releases fat, add garlic, shallot, and saffron; sweat. Add peppers, tomatoes, and anchovies and cook 10 minutes. Add stock and vinegar and simmer 30 minutes. Transfer to a Vitamix blender with almonds and cilantro; purée. Season with salt and keep warm.

For the Swordfish Belly:
Season swordfish with salt. In a hot sauté pan with oil, sear fish. Remove fish from pan, drain excess oil, and deglaze with vinegar. Add pepper sauce and stock. Season with salt and paprika. Return fish to pan and cook until tender, about 8 to 10 minutes.

To Assemble and Serve:
On a serving plate, spoon some Saffron-Chorizo Sauce. Arrange Salsify Custard in center of sauce and top with Swordfish Belly. Adjust consistency of swordfish pan sauce, if necessary, and pour over fish. Finish with herb salad and olive oil.


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