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Café Touba
Senegalese Coffee Ice Cream, Spiced Brownies, Peanut Brittle | Nick Larsen of Sugar Hill Creamery
Charred Cabbage
Peanut Romesco, Peanut Gremolata, Smoked Salt, Microgreens | Chris Hamm of Sylvain
Butterscotch Pudding
Bourbon Cream, Peanut Sponge Cake, Peanut Crumble, Popped Sorghum, Country Ham | Pastry Chef James Farnum of La Petite Grocery
Cocoa Tamal
Sesame-Peanut Butter, Concord Grape Sorbet, Toasted Peanuts, and Maldon Salt | Pastry Chef Isabel Coss of Cosme
The Hound Dog
Peanut-Washed Buffalo Trace Bourbon, Vermouth, Sherry, Banana | Bartender Emilio & Miguel Salehi of The Beehive
Fried Chinese Eggplant
Black Vinegar Gastrique, Spiced Cashews, Labneh | Chef Trigg Brown of Win Son
Boiled Peanuts
Green Pea Hummus, Burnt Benne Honey Mustard, Pickled Mustard Seeds, Toasted Benne Seeds | Chef Michael Fojtasek of Olamaie