Tequila Sunrise

Grapefruit Sorbet, Buddha’s Hand Soda, Pomegranate, Crystallized Violet

Pastry Chef Anna Bolz of Per Se | New York
Yield: Twenty 4-ounce servings

Adapted by StarChefs  |  February 2017


Grapefruit Sorbet:
937 grams grapefruit juice
313 grams Cara Cara orange juice
187 grams glucose powder
44 grams trimoline
62 grams sugar
6 grams sorbet stabilizer
167 grams tequila
16 grams lemon juice

Tequila Granita:
60 grams sugar
80 grams lime juice
165 grams silver tequila

Pomegranate Gel:
650 grams Pomegranate Juice
75 grams lime juice
100 grams sugar
8 grams agar agar

Buddha’s Hand Soda:
500 grams Cara Cara orange juice
150 grams lemon juice
100 grams sugar
Zest of 1½ small Buddha’s Hand
3 sheets silver gelatin, bloomed

White Chocolate Pop Rocks:
105 grams Pop Rocks
10 grams cocoa butter, melted
100 grams Valrhona Opalys white chocolate, melted
5 grams green cocoa butter color
Gold luster

To Assemble and Serve:
Segments from 10 Satsuma Mandarins
Maldon sea salt
Black pepper
Olive oil
Pomegranate seeds
Crystallized violet


For the Grapefruit Sorbet:
In a medium pot over medium heat, combine citrus juices, glucose, and Trimoline, whisking until solids dissolve. In a small bowl, combine sugar and stabilizer. Sprinkle sugar mixture into juice mixture, bring to a boil, and strain through a chinois into a bowl set over an ice bath. When cool, add tequila and lemon juice, adjust the seasoning if necessary, and spin the mixture in a batch freezer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

For the Tequila Granite:
Make a syrup with the sugar, lime juice, and 50 grams of water. Strain syrup through a chinois into a bowl with tequila and 400 grams water, stirring to combine. Pour mixture into a shallow half-hotel pan and place in freezer. When mixture is partially frozen, break it up and stir it together. Return mixture to freezer and allow it to freeze completely. Using a fork, scrape the mixture into crystals.

For the Pomegranate Gel:
In a medium pot, combine pomegranate and lime juices and 85 grams of the sugar. Heat mixture to 45ºC to 50ºC. In a small bowl, combine agar agar and remaining sugar. Whisk pomegranate mixture while slowly sprinkling in agar agar mixture. When combined, bring mixture to a boil, strain through a chinois into a nonreactive container, and refrigerate. When chilled and very firm, transfer to a blender and blend until smooth and shiny. Pass gel through a chinois; reserve.

For the Buddha’s Hand Soda:
In a medium pot, combine citrus juices, sugar, and zest and bring to a rolling boil. Strain through a chinois into a heatproof container with gelatin. Stir to combine. Strain again into a bowl set over an ice bath. Stir until thick. Transfer mixture to a siphon and charge 3 to 4 times; refrigerate.

For the White Chocolate Pop Rocks:
Bring a saucepot filled with water to a simmer. In a large bowl, combine Pop Rocks and melted cocoa butter, coating the rocks. With a gloved hand, lightly agitate the mixture until the rocks separate from each other. Continue to agitate, shaking the bowl as necessary, until the cocoa butter sets. Add melted white chocolate, and repeat process, coating the cocoa butter-coated rocks with a layer of white chocolate. Repeat process again with green cocoa butter color, gently warming the bowl over the simmering water, if necessary, to distribute the color. When the Pop Rocks are fully coated but the color is still soft, transfer them to separate bowl, and add just enough gold luster to coat; gently shake, do not inhale. 

To Assemble and Serve:
In a bowl, combine mandarins, salt, pepper, and oil; reserve. Select a beautiful, small glass. Spoon a generous amount of Pomegranate Gel into the bottom of the glass. Push the tip of the siphon into the bottom of the glass and gently dispense Buddha’s Hand Soda, pushing the Pomegranate Gel up the sides of the glass. Carefully spoon out the center of the soda and fill void with seasoned mandarin segments and pomegranate seeds. Top with Tequila Granite, making a flat layer across the glass. Place a small quenelle of Grapefruit Sorbet in the center. Finish with sprinkling of White Chocolate Pop Rocks and crystallized violets.


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