Under A Black Garlic Veil

Ibérico Ham, Lobster, Pumpkin, Mushrooms, Black Garlic, Sherry Gel

Chef Ramón Freixa of Ramón Freixa Madrid | Madrid
Yield: 4 servings

Adapted by StarChefs | October 2018


Pumpkin Sheets:
100 grams pumpkin
60 grams thyme oil

Garlic Cream:
60 grams garlic cloves, blanched 4 times
20 grams milk
50 grams heavy cream

Black Garlic Veil:
400 grams chicken stock
1 head black garlic, peeled (about 25 grams)
20 grams vegetable gelatin, bloomed

Sherry Gel:
80 grams Sherry
0.3g xanthan gum

To Assemble and Serve:
4 yolks
Sautéed mushrooms
Finely chopped Ibérico ham
Lightly sautéed diced lobster 
Thinly sliced Ibérico ham
Garlic flowers


For the Pumpkin Sheets:
Cut pumpkin into 1½-centimeter by 7-centimeter rectangular sheets. Transfer to vacuum bag, season with thyme oil, and seal.  

For the Garlic Cream:
In a pot, combine garlic and milk. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Transfer to a Vitamix blender and purée, adding cream. Seasons with salt, chill, cover, and refrigerate.

Black Garlic Veil:
To a Vitamix blender, add stock and garlic; purée. Strain through a chinois into a pot and add gelatin. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and pour into a warm, flat-bottomed half-sheet tray; refrigerate. Cut into 12-centimeter circles. Cover and refrigerate. 

For the Sherry Gel:
Pour Sherry into a Vitamix blender. Blend on high and shear in xanthan gum. When mixture is consistency of a soft gel, cover and refrigerate.

To Assemble and Serve:
Place each yolk on a spoon. Using a syringe, remove one-third of each yolk. Using a separate syringe, replace discarded yolk with Sherry Gel. On a plate, spread a little Garlic Cream. Arrange mushrooms on top followed by chopped ham and lobster. Cover with Black Garlic Veil circle, and place Pumpkin Sheets and ham slices on top. Garnish with garlic flowers. To one side, place spoon with yolk.


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