Hamachi Tartare
Fried Okra, Cauliflower-Coconut Purée, Potlikker Vinaigrette, Pineapple, Shallots, Mint, Mizuna
Chef Nina Compton of Compère Lapin | New Orleans
Yield: 4 servings
Adapted by StarChefs | october 2022
Cauliflower Purée:
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ head cauliflower, roughly chopped
14 ounces coconut milk
Potlikker Vinaigrette:
1 cup fish fumet
1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 tablespoon lemongrass
3 teaspoons Angostura orange bitters
Jerk Pineapple:
1 cup diced pineapple
1 tablespoon jerk spice
Fried Okra:
1 cup sliced okra
To Assemble and Serve:
1 loin hamachi, cleaned and small diced
6 tablespoons minced shallot
Maldon sea salt
Mint leaves
Chile oil
For the Cauliflower Purée:
In a small pot over high flame, heat olive oil. Add cauliflower and coconut milk; season with salt. Bring to a simmer until cauliflower is tender. Transfer to a Vitamix blender and pureé until smooth. Transfer to a non-reactive container and refrigerate until needed.
For the Potlikker Vinaigrette:
In a saucepot over medium high heat, combine fumet, ginger, and lemongrass. Reduce until nappe. Strain mixture through a chinois into a non-reactive container. Add orange bitters and reserve.
For the Jerk Pineapple:
In a vacuum bag, combine pineapple and jerk spice. Seal and reserve.
For the Fried Okra:
In a large stockpot, heat oil to 325°F. Fry okra until golden brown and crispy. Season with salt and set aside.
To Assemble and Serve:
In a chilled bowl, combine the hamachi, shallots, salt, Jerk Pineapple, mint, and Fried Okra. Season with Potlikker Vinaigrette and toss to coat. In a serving bowl, place a dollop of Cauliflower Purée. Place hamachi tartare mixture on top. Garnish with chile oil and mizuna.