Melon Clouds

Cantaloupe, Jamon Consommé, Parsley Oil, Uni, Dill Flowers

Chef Luke Feltz | Chicago

Adapted by StarChefs | March 2023 | Photo: Brad DanNER


Cantaloupe Juice:
1 cantaloupe

Melon Clouds:
10 grams sucro
2.5 grams milk powder

Melon-Jamon Sauce:
50 grams jamon consommé 
0.7 gram xanthan gum

Parsley Oil:
100 grams parsley leaves
200 grams olive oil

To Assemble and Serve:
2 pieces uni 
6 drops uni garum
Argan nut oil
Lemon zest
Dill flowers


For the Cantaloupe Juice:
Using a Breville Commercial juicer, juice cantaloupe. Strain, transfer to an airtight container and freeze overnight. The next day, strain frozen juice through a cheesecloth into a nonreactive container. Let thaw until liquid reaches 14 brix on a refractometer. Strain and set aside.

For the Melon Clouds:
In a small saucepan over low heat, combine sucro, milk powder, and 1 kilogram Cantaloupe Juice. Season with salt. Working in batches, use an immersion blender to aerate the mixture. When desired texture is achieved, portion liquid into 1/9-inch hotel pans and freeze.

For the Melon-Jamon Sauce:
In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients and 100 grams Cantaloupe Juice. Using a hand blender, mix all ingredients. Transfer mix to a vacuum bag and seal. Refrigerate. 

For the Parsley Oil:
In a blender, blend parsley and olive oil on high until steaming and chlorophyll is cooked. Strain through a cheesecloth into a chilled airtight container. Reserve.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a serving bowl, place 1 spoonful Melon-Jamon Sauce across the bottom of the bowl. Top top with uni. Using a pipette, squeeze uni garum, 7 drops Parsley Oil, and 1 full pipette of argan nut oil around the uni. Cover with Melon Clouds. Garnish with lemon zest and dill flowers. 


Cerveza Verde


Shima Aji (Video)