Queso Fresco Ice Cream

Nixtamalized Tomato, Tomato Water, Raspberry Consommé, Tomato-Raspberry Granita, Fennel Flower

Pastry Chef Sophie Hau of Californios | San Francisco

Adapted by StarChefs | october 2022


Queso Fresco Ice Cream:
Yield: 6.544 kilograms
440 grams glucose powder
1.2 kilograms sugar
24 grams all-natural ice cream stabilizer
1.2 kilograms queso fresco
800 grams cream cheese
200 grams crème fraîche

 Tomato Water:
Yield: 1 kilogram
2 kilograms sungold tomatoes
20 grams sugar
4 grams salt

 Raspberry Consommé:
Yield: 650 grams
900 grams raspberries
150 grams sugar
3 sprigs lemon thyme
1 lemon peel

 Tomato-Raspberry Granita:
Yield: 1.04 kilograms

 Tomato Stock:
Yield: 1.8 kilograms
600 grams sugar
200 grams tomato pulp
1 vanilla bean
1 sprig lemon thyme
1 leaf basil

 Tomato Nixtamal:
Yield: 1.05 kilograms
100 sungold tomatoes, peeled
50 grams calcium hydroxide

 To Assemble and Serve:
1 raspberry, halved
1 fennel flower
2 fronds bronze fennel
Fleur de sel


For the Queso Fresco Ice Cream:
In a pot, mix to combine glucose with 2.68 kilograms water. Bring the mixture to 105°F. Stir in sugar and stabilizer, then continue to cook until the mixture reaches 185°F. In a large bowl or nonreactive container, mix to combine queso, cream cheese, and crème fraîche. Pour the hot sugar mixture over the dairy. Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. Season with salt. Strain through a chinois into a nonreactive container. Let cool over an ice bath until 40°F. Transfer to an ice cream machine and process according to manufacturer’s instructions. Freeze until needed. 

 For the Tomato Water:
In a food processor, blend tomatoes until crushed. Transfer to a mixing bowl. Stir in sugar and salt. Transfer the tomatoes to a chinois set over a nonreactive container. Let strain 6 hours. Reserve.

 For the Raspberry Consommé:
In a mixing bowl, mix to combine all ingredients and 150 grams water. Tightly cover the bowl with plastic wrap, then set over a double boiler. Over medium-low heat, gently cook 2 hours. Transfer to a chinois set over a nonreactive container and let strain 10 minutes or until the liquid is fully extracted. Discard the solids and let cool. Reserve.

 For the Tomato-Raspberry Granita:
In a large bowl or nonreactive container, mix to combine 400 grams Tomato Water with 640 grams Raspberry Consommé. Add more Tomato Water or Raspberry Consommé until the mixture reaches 16 to 19 Brix. Season with salt. Transfer to a 2-inch hotel pan and place in the freezer. Whisk every 20 minutes until the mixture forms large flakes and is completely frozen. Reserve in freezer.

 For the Tomato Stock:
In a pot, mix to combine all ingredients and 1 kilogram water. Bring to a boil. Strain through a chinois into a nonreactive container. Reserve.

 For the Tomato Nixtamal:
In a large, nonreactive container, combine tomatoes, calcium hydroxide, and 1 kilogram water. Let soak 1 hour and 30 minutes. Strain tomatoes, then rinse well. Place the tomatoes in a pot over medium heat and add 800 grams Tomato Stock. Bring the Tomato Stock to a simmer, then continue simmering 20 minutes. Remove from heat and transfer to a nonreactive container. Let cool over an ice bath until 40°F. Strain, then cut the tomatoes into halves. Reserve.

 To Assemble and Serve:
Place a quenelle of Queso Fresco Ice Cream on the right side of a serving bowl. Using the back of a spoon, press a well into the Queso Fresco Ice Cream facing the center of the bowl. To the left, add 80 grams Tomato-Raspberry Granita. Between the Queso Fresco Ice Cream and Tomato-Raspberry Granita, in alternating order, place raspberries and 2 halves of Tomato Nixtamal. Garnish with fennel pollen flower and fennel fronds. Finish with a generous pinch of fleur de sel.


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