Sip N' Slide

Lemon, Watermelon, Basil, Seltzer

Bartender Natasha David of You and Me Cocktails | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | february 2023


Watermelon Juice:
Watermelon, rind removed then cubed

Basil Syrup:
12 sprigs basil
4 cups simple syrup

To Assemble and Serve:
Yield: 1 serving
1 ½ ounces lemon juice
Watermelon slice
Basil bouquet


For the Watermelon Juice:
In a Vitamix blender, blend watermelon approximately 1 minute. Strain through a chinois. Transfer to a bottle and refrigerate.

For the Basil Syrup:
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add basil and blanch 30 seconds. Strain, then transfer to an ice bath. Pick basil leaves from stems. Place stems in a Vitamix blender and add simple syrup. Blend 1 minutes. Strain through a chinois. Transfer to a bottle and refrigerate.

To Assemble and Serve:
In a cocktail shaker, combine lemon, 1 ounce Watermelon Juice, and 1 ounce Basil Syrup. Fill the shaker with ice. Shake. Strain into a highball glass with ice. Top with seltzer. Garnish with watermelon slice and basil bouquet.


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