Serena Chow Fisher and David Fisher

Marlena | San Francisco | August 2022


(1): Country Pork Terrine Paté with Pickled Cucumber; (2) Duck Liver Mousse Croustade, Strawberry, Aged Balsamic; (3): Potato Chip, Osetra Caviar, Crème Fraîche, Chive Blossom; (4) Caraway and Beer Mustard

Tomato, Burrata, Pine Nuts, and Basil: (1) Olive Oil-Poached Heirloom Tomato, Raw Apricot, Burrata Foam, Toasted Pine Nut, Basil Oil; (2) Tomato Consommé, White Nectarine, Serpentine Cucumber, Burrata Whey, Basil Oil, Pine Nuts; (3) Early Girl Tomato, Seasoned Ricotta, Apricot Jam, Toasted Pine Nut, Fennel

Honey-Glazed Squab, Patty Pan Squash, Pork and Squab Sausage-Stuffed Morels, Black Garlic Pureé, Garlic Scape Relish, Perigord Truffle Jus

Make Your Own S’mores: House Graham Crackers, House Marshmallow, TCHO Chocolate

Photography by Rae Serra


Dustin Falcon


Rachel Loughman